Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Time Out Tuesday - Reflecting On The Past Few Weeks And Revising My Vision

I’ve been in a bit of a funk lately, lovies. I haven’t even been in the mood to write, which is wretched, considering that it’s one of the few things that makes me feel fulfilled. I look around to other writers that I admire and I ask myself, how do they do it? They come up with original material every day, and often material that leaves me smacking my forehead wonder why I didn’t think of that. I’m not quite sure what happened. I was on a roll. The daily posts flowed from my mind through my fingers onto the computer screen effortlessly. I provided readers with everything they asked for (for those who asked, anyway). But then, I hit a wall and I couldn’t figure out how to get around it. This was the most intense writer’s block I’ve ever encountered. Nothing could pull me out of it. Not a single idea I came up with could manifest itself into a full, coherent article. I began to doubt my abilities as a writer. Seriously. I could no longer do the one thing I KNEW without a shadow of a doubt that I was good at. What on earth was wrong with me?

A new passion has been consuming my life. As much as I would love to make a living writing and styling, the fitness world has filled me with an intense joy that is incomparable to anything I’ve ever experienced. Maybe it’s the endorphins, I don’t know, but it feels really, really good. As you all know, I got my Zumba certification and shortly after met a woman who has inspired me to push myself even further in the fitness world. Her name is Leslie Davila, co-founder of No Excuses Fitness and Dance, and when I tell you this chick is a hustler, it’s no joke. She is on her grind, teaching 10 classes per week and changing so many lives in the process. Her energy is addicting, her smile contagious. And her story touches you like none other. I feel blessed that she’s taken me under her wing and is showing me the ropes of what being a successful fitness instructor is all about. She’s also inspired me to pursue my Personal Training and Group Fitness Certifications. If you’re going to do something, do it right. Go balls to the wall and be a close to a subject matter expert as you can be. Like Leslie says, “No Excuses.”

So now, here I am, the Bougie Budgetista, lover of all things fashion and frugality related, obsessed with fitness. One day dedicated to the subject matter just isn’t enough! We’re going to have to re-evaluate the direction of the blog and make it fit my passions… Yes, passions, PLURAL. In the process, I hope to be able to inspire you to get up, dust yourself off, and make a plan of action to making your dreams come true. Anticipate posts by fellow fitness lovers, shoe addicts, foodies and more. I’ll be introducing you to some really special people who have fresh takes on the world around us. And I’ll be encouraging you to try new things, read new books, watch new films, and think outside the box. The goal is to live a fabulous life without breaking the bank, right? Well, my fabulosity doesn’t just stop where my closet begins. It’s time to rethink what a fulfilled, fantastic life looks like. And as much as Red Bottoms are a part of that vision, it’s not the only vision dancing through my head.
♥  - The Bougie Budgetista