Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Work It Out Wednesday - My Love Affair with Vixen Fitness

Two weeks ago, I went to an open house for a women’s fitness studio in Orlando with a Groupon in hand and the determination to not spend a penny more on fitness classes. But when I walked in, met the members, the staff, and the owners, that plan went out the window. That night, I became a member of Vixen Fitness.

I started with a class called Foxy Boxing, and let me tell you, there was nothing foxy about it. I was sweating. My arms were burning. My legs felt like jell-o. The next day, I could barely move. But I didn’t give up. I signed up for Vixen Sexercise. And again, there was nothing sexy about this either. Yeah, there was some booty shaking and tracing and hip rolls which lasted for all of five minutes. The remaining 55 minutes were pure boot camp style torture. Pushups, wall sits, squats, planks. You name the form of torture, we did it. And it felt so good.

Then, there was the class everyone was dying to take, but would shy away from in fear of looking like a fool – Intro to Pole Dancing. There, a few members and I bonded over stripper shoes, fear of falling off the pole, and not knowing what on earth to expect. An hour, lots of bruises and many sore muscles later, we were giggling on the plush couches like a bunch of school girls about the reaction we’d get by showing a significant other the new moves we’d picked up.

The more I went, the more I felt like I was part of a little family. We bonded over the silliest things, but it felt good. Here I am, acting like a one woman wolf pack, and then I meet more she-wolves just like me. Honestly, Vixen Fitness makes me feel beautiful, sexy and strong like no other gym has. I may leave that place dripping sweat (which I nearly always do), but I walk out of there with a strut in my step and a sway in my hips, shoulders back and head high, because I am a Vixen!

Of course, you’re probably asking my how much it’s costing me to be a member, since I’m all about pinching a penny. When I signed up, it was $79 per month, unlimited classes. Now some of you are probably wide eyed and in shock right now. I know. It’s so not like me. Here I was with my Groupon for four classes and thought I’d be done with this studio. But it just wasn’t that simple. Vixen Fitness makes me happy. It makes me feel good. It’s the place that I go to take some much needed time for myself to take care of ME. It’s where I feel beautiful. It’s a no judgment zone and I love it.

I wouldn’t trade the experiences I’ve had, the friendships I’ve made, or the inner strength and confidence I’ve gained for anything in the world. Who cares how much it costs? To me, what I’ve gained is priceless… And if I can somehow wiggle my way in there as their new Zumba instructor after my training class in 2 weeks, even better (just sayin’)!

♥ - The Bougie Budgetista

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