Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Work It Out Wednesday - From Couch to 5K

Happy Hump Day, boys and girls! I'm trying out something new today. I'm thinking of  having themed posts for each day of the week? Let me know what you think! And back to our regularly scheduled program...

Today is the 26th day of 2011. It has been said that it takes 21 consecutive days to develop a habit. How are you keeping up with your resolutions? It's okay if you fell off. Life happens. But what are you doing to get back on track? Quite frankly, I've been having trouble staying on my running schedule. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm still busting my butt working out, but I'm doing nothing to help me achieve my goal of running a marathon. I know I'm not alone with this goal. So for those of you who enjoy this inexpensive and relaxing workout, or for those who would like to enjoy it, here is some of the research I found to get you off that couch and running a 5K.

Aside from my "Get Running" iPod app, which I LOVE, there are loads of training guides online which are really helpful. My favorite site has been Florida East Coast Runners. They have outlined everything you need to know to get running and meet your goals.
See? Everything you need, right there. Best of all- its FREE!

Now that you have the information, make a plan. If you had a plan but need to revise it, get to it. Look up running clubs in your area and get the support and motivate you need to keep going. Just don't quit. You may not see the light at the end of the tunnel just yet, but keep it up and be patient. Before you know it, you'll be crossing the finish line after 26.2 miles with a huge, victorious smile on your face.

♥  - The Bougie Budgetista

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